top 500 classic rock songs


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 Top 100 Guitar riffs
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 Guitar tabs
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 Stairway to Heaven
 Top 100 rock songs
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 Bob Dylan
 Elvis Presley
 Eric Clapton

 Jimi Hendrix
 Led Zeppelin
 Pink Floyd
 Rolling Stones

 The Eagles

Links to other Rock sites and tab sites
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Guess That Tab!
Each week we tab and post a new guitar riff, and each week we give away
one gift certificate from
So grab your guitar and Guess That Tab!' - The #1 Guitar Site on the net!
Rock and Roll Hosting
Hosting, domains and design for bands!
Guitar Emergency
Insider secrets on playing the guitar, promoting, copyrighting, joining a successful band, and more.
Online Music Marketing & Distribution Services
Songs Lyrics - fresh lyrics archive
Chicago Guitar Lessons and Forguitar Studios provide
excellent Guitar Lessons and Pro Tools Recording

Green Day Lyrics
Biography of Green Day plus all the lyrics from this modern rock band.
More than 2000 links to national and international popgroups, lyrics, gigs,radiostations,guitartabs,pop and rock.
Collection of lyrics! Search or browse your favourite song lyrics.

Rock 'N ' Roll Zone
The Rock 'n' Roll Zone is here to acknowledge and celebrate the great,
powerful musical force and art form that rock music is and has been to this day!"

Super Seventies RockSite!
Reviews for hundreds of albums and singles from the 70s, plus a 70s almanac,
related news, interviews, trivia, MIDIs, and pictures.
Remembering Rock and Roll Artists Of The '50s, '60s and '70s
Mean Guitars
A Valuable Guitar Directory and Information Resource.
100 of worlds best tablature sites listed on one page!
List of the best tabsites.
Online guitar lessons. Both pay and free services.
Free online guitar lessons using audio and video. This site also features a tablature section and links to many guitar and music resources..
Guitar and bass tabs, tablature resources, and lessons.
Online guitar and bass community with forums, lessons, tablature and music resources.
Free online electric bass lessons using audio and video. This site also features a tablature section and links to many bass and music resources
Description: Thousands of guitar tabs, bass tabs, drum tabs, keyboard tabs, power tabs, and lyrics for thousands of bands. New tabs daily. Free membership to submit and request tabs.

Basic Guitar Lessons
Learn to play the guitar online using our free guitar lessons and chord charts. This site also provides a section on setting up a guitar, online forum and other useful guitar related links.

Biographies: Aerosmith | Beatles | Bob Dylan | Elvis Presley | Eric Clapton | Jimi Hendrix | Led Zeppelin | Pink Floyd | Rolling Stones | The Eagles

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"...this list is awesome man. I totally agree on everything. Rock'n'roll salute.." A.F.
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